The Graham Report is available here.
The report alleges that Shreveport dentist Dr. David M. Graham met future 9/11 hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi and Fayez Banihammad in October 2000, and that because of suspicious behavior by the men's Pakistani-born host, Muhammad Jamal Khan — particularly a statement by Khan that his father had recently visited Osama bin Laden — Graham provided this information to the Shreveport FBI.
Here's the story we published about Graham in our Oct. 24 issue.
The report gave me and 9/11 investigator Sander Hicks a starting point to begin investigating Graham allegations and ask questions about the FBI's handling of his citizen reports and the agency's response to the sudden illness that precipitated Graham's death. Since the time when Graham became ill in the late spring of 2004, the report has been held by Richard and Tanya Wilkes, friends and fellow members of Shreveport Community Church.