more on Superchunk, Arcade Fire and Obama

Mac McCaughan of Superchunk and Win Butler of Arcade Fire joined Craig Shirmer, Barack Obama's NC campaign director, in a conference call this afternoon announcing the details of a concert on May 1 to promote the campaign and one-stop voting.

The two bands will play in the Greensboro Coliseum parking lot at 1 p.m. on Thursday, May 1. You can get tickets at one-stop voting locations. Shirmer assured us there would be enough to go around.
"I just celebrated my 28th birthday," Butler said. "And if you count the Reagan years, when George Bush Sr. was vice president, there's been a Bush or a Clinton in the White House literally my entire life. I think Obama would bring real change."
McCaughan, who also owns Merge Records, talked about Obama's appeal to the indie rocker.
"He sponsored a bill to life the ban on low-power radio stations," he said, "and he supports net neutrality and universal broadband access."

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