Foxy Moxy: The Virgin Burner Diaries

Installment #4 in the series

This morning we faced accusations of "squatting" on someone else's "land", perfect for the American Dream theme, eh? After a few terse words between Naked Bob and the camp whose space we had accidentally encroached upon, everything was settled the good old fashioned "American Way"... cash! We paid to join the theme camp which actually entitled us to...YES!... a REAL SHOWER EVERY DAY!!! In addition to that, they'll also recycle our grey water so we don't have to pack it back out with us. Jackpot!

So, hygienic matters being more or less settled, we're free to accumulate the inevitable layer of playa dust! Our game plan is to spend each day at Center Camp, gifting bodypainting to interested parties until the light fades. Basically, all we have to do is pick a spot, set out the paints and portfolio cards showing what we do and a line of people materializes almost instantly.

We select one person for the full-out, complete coverage treatment. Bob and I jump between helping Scott with the masterpiece du jour and doing smaller detail paintings (faces, breasts, etc.) on the rest of the line. Everyone seems pleased, including spectators and an ever-increasing ring of photographers who have joined us. I'm enjoying the happy vibe around us and feel content with our contribution, one of Burning Man's guiding principals urges participation from all attendees and I think we're doing our part.

At dusk, we pedal our paint smudged selves back to camp where we're delighted to find a potluck being announced. Bob gets busy cooking vittles to contribute and the whole camp joins hands and forms a circle and introducing themselves one-by-one. We eat and chat with our new neighbors, a very young, good-looking group and watch art cars done up like pirate ships, a mobile diner, a sushi bar and even one made to look like a deep sea angler fish sail by!

Though planning to go out for the night, we're suddenly rooted to the spot as The Mobile Groove Bomb, a city bus rigged out to be a double-decker, covered, high-tech mobile stage pulls up and a concert begins directly in front of us. The Goddess Alchemy Project commands their space in the night sky with whip-smart, lyrical wisdom and honeyed harmonies pouring and pounding forth. Burners race across the playa to join the giant dance party that forms around the bus and I grab dancing wings and join them. One of best ways to participate here is often just to go with the flow!

1 comment:

  1. Man, I had no idea goddess alchemy project was going to be at Burning Man. Now I'm a bit jealous...
