My friends at the Institute for Southern Studies in Durham have reported that Americans For Prosperity, the group promoting the anti-tax Tea Parties taking place across North Carolina tomorrow is funded by the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, "which is run by the billionaires behind Kansas-based Koch Industries — the nation's largest privately held oil and gas company."
Incidentally, the organization put out a "Friend of Foreign Oil" scorecard for members of Congress last year, ranking lawmakers "on their support for — or opposition to — policies that would lower gas and energy prices by increasing American supplies and making domestic production less expensive."
Another project undertaken by Americas for Prosperity was the "hot air tour," which denounced "climate alarmists [that] have bombarded citizens with apocalyptic scenarios and pressured them into environmental political correctness."
And, as has been reported here, the organization has taken an early and active role in opposing the Employee Free Choice Act.
Good for them!
ReplyDeleteand, and several other groups, are funded by George Soros.
And, as has been reported here, the organization has taken an early and active role in opposing the Employee Free Choice Act.
ReplyDeleteThe EFCA is not free, it comes with the cost of some goon harassing and intimidating employees. This is mearly Obama's payback to the unions so the unions can pump back up thier sagging membership. The unions also want to bolster thier numbers with as many illegal aliens as possible with thier objective to get that union dues, the unions want the bucks. Beau