The Greensboro City Council will be asked to award a $1.3 million contract to Teague, Freyaldenhoven and Freyaldenhoven Architects and Planners LLP tomorrow to design a new aquatic center at the Greensboro Coliseum Complex.
The attachment for this particular item cites NCGS 143-64.32(b) as authority for allowing the city council to bypass the competitive bidding process for the job. In this case, the reason given is "to take advantage of current market conditions in constructing this facility."
The Teague firm, which is based in Greensboro, would head up a "team of architects and engineers," including two other companies that are also local. According to the agenda item, "These firms were selected because of their expertise and prior knowledge of the project site and conditions."
Maybe so, but I wonder if members of the council running for reelection this year, including Mayor Yvonne Johnson, will end up regretting fast-tracking the project if employees of Teague, Rosser International, Davis-Martin-Powell & Associates and Sutton-Kennerly & Associates end up making significant contributions to their campaigns?
UPDATE, June 17, 10:58 a.m.: For those following this, council approved the contract unanimously last night. I'll be closely scrutinizing campaign finance reports in the late summer and fall. And if there are cost overruns, well that would take it to another level.