A truckload of this week's YES! Weekly just pulled into the office parking lot here in Adams Farm.
And all I can say is, "Holy crap!"

Last week, on something of a whim, we decided to redesign the paper.
Five years in, we figured, it would be safe enough to try something new.
And how hard could it be?
Let me tell you: A full redesign is a huge pain in the ass.
But the result is something to behold.
The new YES! Weekly is sleek, clean and more sophisticated in its appearance than we ever thought it could be.
I think it looks like Rolling Stone, before it got tiny.

Big props go out to the new design team — Art Director Lindsay Emeigh, Ashley Waters and Loren Bailey — who logged some pretty serious hours on this project.
And kudos to Publisher Charles Womack, who was bold enough to drive this redesign through and see it home.

Don't worry — YES! Weekly still has the same great content from the same great writers, but we look a whole lot prettier.
Check it out for yourself — the new YES! Weekly hits the streets today! Go out and get yours now.


  1. The fonts are too small for an old guy like me to see. Maybe that was the purpose.

  2. Sorry bout that, grandpa. Just kidding! But we hear you, Tony, and we are working on it.
