The Beloved Community Center says Greensboro police Officer AJ Blake is facing a termination hearing on Friday. Blake has appealed two district court convictions for assault on a female, and his superior court trial is scheduled for July 27.
The Beloved Community Center is calling for a demonstration of support for Blake on Thursday at 6 p.m. at Governmental Plaza. They are urging supporters to call Chief Tim Bellamy, interim City Manager Bob Morgan and Mayor Yvonne Johnson, and ask them to delay Blake's administrative hearing until after the officer's trial.
Here's how the Beloved Community Center describes the officer's situation: "Officer AJ Blake, a Latino police officer, is taking a bold stance against racial and personal prejudices within the Greensboro Police Department. He filed a complaint against the police department for anti-Latino racial slurs. He opposed tactics of suppression that the gang squad used against the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation."
A year ago, they were defending Jorge Cornell by saying that Blake falsified a warrant by first getting Cornell to tell him he was left handed, now they are defending Blake? Geez. What a bunch of confused jokers.