Who will hold the championship belt?

The election has hardly begun and in Greensboro's District 1 the six candidates represent a variety of interests and approaches, but this juxtaposition alone makes it an exciting race.

Incumbent Dianne Bellamy-Small lists among her accomplishments: "Intervened in attacks on city manager."

Challenger Ben Holder helped lead the charge to remove City Manager Mitchell Johnson. He celebrated in March with a blog post excusing himself "to go polish my championship belt."

A lot of elected officials and candidates dance around the issue of race, particularly when it comes to the crucial question of whether black officers were subjected to racial discrimination within the GPD. Not Bellamy-Small. She candidly writes on her campaign blog that she "advocated for fairness in treatment of black police officers involved in the police scandal."


  1. Actually, what Bellamy-Small wrote was:

    "[A]dvocated for fairness in treatment of Black Police Officers [sic] involved in the Police [sic] scandal, sharing law enforcement experience with council to help explain some concerns about law enforcement."

  2. I thought I would amend the councilwoman's statement to fix the improper use of capitalization -- an effort to draw attention to the substance rather than the style of her remark. Couldn't get it past your eagle eye though, Roch.

  3. You quoted using full quotation marks, but you amended?

  4. Yes, and I would do it for you, too, Tony.

  5. Thanks Jordan, I believe you, and I may very well need that assistance at some point in time.
