Homophobic bias incidents alleged at Guilford College

In an official release, the Guilford College administration says that a student received a note last week on his dorm room door stating "Die you MF fag. Nobody wants your kind on campus," followed a couple days later by an incident in which someone dropped a rock and a note through the student's open residence hall window. The note reportedly read, in part, "It's bad enough with out all the gay crap pulling people down. It's sick, unnatural, and death is almost too good for you."

The release, which is labeled "Bias Incident Information" on the college's Campus Life web page, states, "Clearly these messages are harassment in violation of numerous college policies and are criminal acts under state and federal law. The Greensboro Police Department is actively involved in the investigation of this matter and campus officials will cooperate with local authorities to ensure that those responsible will be held accountable both off campus and on campus."

The Guilford Peace Society and Guilford Pride are are organizing a vigil on campus that is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Wednesday.

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