C4GC plan Take Back America Picnic

Conservatives for Guilford County are planning a Take Back America Picnic on June 25 at 4:30pm and finishing up around dusk. There will be special speakers, conservative candidates, other conservative groups with literature to hand out, fun for the kids and discussions on ways you can get active in your precinct, or neighborhood.
Jeff Hyde Committee is sponsoring a $5,000.00 reverse raffle and they will be announcing the winner at the picnic. All the proceeds will go towards benefiting some of the Guilford County Conservative Candidates during this campaign cycle! Check out his website at: https://secure.piryx.com/donate/9GWcON6b/jeff_hyde/c4gcvictoryraffle

You can also, connect with C4GC at their new website www.myc4gc.com

1 comment:

  1. "help our Conservative candidates win this fall."

