Emily Nemith Saunders' 10 Best Ways to Stick to your New Year's Resolutions

Local nutrition coach and fitness competitor Emily Nemith Saunders contributed to this week's 10 Best! list of Ways to Keep your New Year's resolutions. The following is the unedited version of Emily's 10 Best! list:

1. Be specific: Rather than I'm going to lose 30 pounds this year focus on some key changes that you can make. For example, eat breakfast, lift weights 3 times per week for 20 minutes before or after work. Focus on small changes and perfect them prior to moving on to the next step.

2. Find a fat loss plan that works for YOU! There is no one size fits all workout or diet. Enlist the help of an expert for accountability and to help figure out a sustainable plan that will stick.

3. Stay away from absolutes: Rather than " I am giving up sweets" make a weekly plan to allow yourself some wiggle room while continuing to work toward your goals. Make a plan to keep your diet tight during the week and then share a small dessert with a friend on Friday night.

4. Tell your friends, family members etc. - they will help you stay accountable and maybe even join you.

5. Celebrate small victories- reward your progress with a new workout top, download new music, a pedicure etc.

6 Prepare food in advance and make sure to have quick snacks like nuts, fresh fruit, hardboiled eggs and protein bars available.

7. Don't let Small Setbacks bring you down- we are humans and we are imperfect. Jump right back on the bandwagon with the next meal rather than waiting until "Monday".

8. Find ways to stay motivated- The January motivation only lasts so long. Try a new fitness class, learn to cook a food you've never tried, go hiking in a new spot. Keep things interesting to stay interested.

9. Focus on creating new habits- this is much more empowering than focusing on what is "wrong". Think about healthy habits you can implement that replace the old ones.

10. Visualize reaching the goal regularly- this is a powerful motivating tool and a great mental practice that will help you overcome hurdles and allow you to envision the feeling of success.

You can read the YES! Weekly article at: http://www.yesweekly.com/triad/article-13358-ten-best.html

To find out more about Emily's nutrition coaching services, you can email her at: emily.saunders@hotmail.com

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