Charles Cherry has more choice words for mayor, city manager

Former Greensboro police captain Charles Cherry has developed a reputation amongst Greensboro City Council members for his choice words at council meetings to such an extent that they considered limiting speech and the public comment period at their meetings last summer. Mayor Robbie Perkins, a frequent target of Cherry's criticism, explained his thoughts about speakers like Cherry again this April:

"Frankly, the concern I have is that they are taking away from folks that really need our help," he said. "Some may want to come in and don’t because they don’t want to be in middle of acrimonious discussion." 

Today, the saga continues. In a dual complaint/public-information request to the city, Cherry wrote to "Deadbeat, Non Taxpaying, Looking for Preferential Treatment Mayor Perkins and the other eight members of city council." Cherry criticized Perkins' bankruptcy and non-payment of taxes, going on to call City Manager Denise Turner Roth "a corrupt stupid liar."

Cherry has repeatedly argued that the city refuses to investigate his complaints about police misconduct. Roth contends that the city has answered his requests and staff recommends that council not address Cherry directly because of his pending lawsuit against the city. 

There is another gem in Cherry's complaint, too:

"Robbie, never forget, I am strengthened by the Mighty God in Heaven. Greensboro, observe the power of a God-fearing man, as I mentally dominate, control and force this corrupt deadbeat mayor to do his job." 

He ends the letter by requesting the name, dates, result and amount of money spent on each pending or current lawsuit involving the Greensboro Police Department since January 1, 2010, including outside lawyer fees or estimated cost of staff time based on salary. YES! Weekly asked the city to release the results of Cherry's public-information request to us as soon as it is available to him. 

Cherry's case is one of many cited by a report, Our Democratic Mission, released by the Beloved Community Center earlier this year highlighting issues that point to a "subculture of corruption and double standards" in the police department. The center is holding a community meeting on June 13 to discuss issues related to the department.


  1. A worthy question, how much the city has spent on pending and current lawsuits involving the Greensboro Police Department — and one we answered with a story about a year ago.

    Cherry has raised pointed questions that in the absence of satisfying answers strongly suggest a culture of impunity to protect those who discriminate against officers and retaliation to punish those who display the temerity to challenge current practices in the police department. Though it has to be said that, to date, neither the EEOC nor any civil court has validated the complaints raised from 2010 forward.

    But calling Denise Turner Roth a "corrupt stupid liar" is representative of the theatrics that cause many people to completely ignore Cherry's otherwise valid points.

  2. Jordan wrote: "But calling Denise Turner Roth a "corrupt stupid liar" is representative of the theatrics that cause many people to completely ignore Cherry's otherwise valid points."

    Not if it happens to be true. If it happens to be true then it's reason enough to investigate. I have caught our city manager at many outright lies. If people would stop hiding behind politeness and tell us the truth the Charles Cherrys and Billy Joness of the world would have no battles to fight.

    And you, Jordan, would have no one to point fingers at and make claims of theatrics when in-fact Mr Cherry might be pointing directly to the problem.

  3. Yeah Billy, but Jordan also wrote: "Cherry has raised pointed questions that in the absence of satisfying answers strongly suggest a culture of impunity to protect those who discriminate against officers and retaliation to punish those who display the temerity to challenge current practices in the police department."

    Some people definitely dismiss Cherry (and you, and other people too) because of the way that claims are made. Presentation is important. Cherry can be pointing directly at a problem AND be theatrical about it — the two categories aren't mutually exclusive. Maybe the theatrics get more people to pay attention who are entertained from afar, but I assume a lot of people find Cherry harder to rally behind when he makes some of his more dramatic statements.

    Cherry's profane and insulting comments don't really bother me — I posted them because they are noteworthy. It should also be noted that I have repeatedly pointed to problems in the police department as well. But regardless of whether you think Roth is corrupt or dishonest, I'd hope we can all agree that she isn't stupid. That much should be clear.

  4. That's right, Billy. No one has spent more time in the trenching investigating, vetting and often validating discrimination claims by Greensboro police officers. My words come from a place of love because I hope Cherry will be able to present his message more effectively. But I never had any illusions of persuading the likes of you.

  5. Jordan wrote: "But I never had any illusions of persuading the likes of you."

    But alas, when did it become the job of the journalist to persuade?

  6. Persuasion has nothing to do with my job as a journalist. But having covered this issue thoroughly and caring deeply about the city where I live, I feel compelled to share my insights with fellow citizens. It's not your job as a blogger to persuade anyone either, Billy; it's your right as a citizen. Take it or leave it.

  7. Jordan, You're the one that brought up persuasion. If you never had any illusions of persuading the likes of me then who were you trying to persuade?

    The post was in-fact about Charles Cherry's theatrics and how you journalist types seem to believe that theatrics somehow make his message untrue.

    But reality is this: if the City of Greensboro had open and honest government we would see a lot less of folks like Charles Cherry and Billy Jones. The city and media outlets like Yes Weekly simply give us the ammunition we need.

    Seriously: if a claim is dismissed only because of the way a claim is presented them we have a serious shortcoming in how claims are addressed. After all: not everyone is a lawyer or a journalist.

    And for journalists to dismiss any claim simply because of the way it was presented would no doubt be a dereliction of duty.

    As for Cherry calling Denise Turner Roth a "corrupt stupid liar" it has its purpose even if you can't grasp the reasoning behind it. And it is working very well indeed.

  8. Billy, you're just making shit up. Jordan and I did NOT say that his presentation makes the claims untrue.

    I said, "Some people definitely dismiss Cherry..." not that anyone at YES! Weekly does.

    If your point is that the city is ignoring Cherry because of his presentation, that's an entirely different conversation than saying that we are.

    On the other hand, I find it difficult to seriously engage with you when you make baseless claims and make stuff up, like that we think Cherry's claims are untrue because of his presentation. If you tell half truths or lies, when you finally get around to saying something legitimate there is a good chance a lot of people will have tuned you out.

    Just an update for those following this post: I still haven't heard back from the city with any of the information Cherry and I requested.

  9. And I guess last night's lies and completely uncalled for actions on the part of Mayor Robbie Perkins don't make you wonder even more?

    I haven't made anything up, I'm a Tyrannicide, not a journalist-- the burden of proof is not the same. Get over it.

    But in the end, just like with Rocco Scarfone and on so many other subjects, you will come to understand I knew all along what I was talking about.

  10. And Eric, in case you don't know, ask Jordan about Scarfone. He can fill you in.

  11. I think I'll leave that for you to fill in, Billy.

  12. I don't believe one should change the rules to get their desired results. Most of the city council would not agree with Gov.McCory requiring voter ID and limiting the days one can vote so he can suppress votes and get re-elected.Why would you want to limit citizens voice just to silence Capt. Charles Cherry. Do the right council members.
