Photos and caption contest: Today's Greensboro city budget meeting

None of these photos will be showing up in our next issue (which will feature a dirt article about the city's proposed 2013-14 FY budget), but these shots were too good to disappear into the abyss of my iPhoto not to share.

The city held its first of three budget meetings with council and city staff today, and it's a lot of material to go through. Sometimes the meetings are dry, boring or complex (above). Other times, you don't know what to think (below — also notice Chief Miller's expression). 

And there are moments of what could best be described as frustration: 

Did you miss today's meeting? Not going to be at the next two? Feeling left out?  Don't worry, I have an idea: how about a caption contest for these photos (including the one below)? I didn't mean for any of these shots to be entertaining, but too many of them are and I'm curious what our readers can come up with. Council members and city staff are allowed to participate. GO!

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