Proposed Greensboro budget includes $4.3 million in cuts

Greensboro City Manager Denise Turner Roth proposed a $459 million budget for fiscal year 2013-2014, which includes $4.3 million in budget cuts. The largest decreases would come from infrastructure funding and citywide reductions including a reducing the city's contract with Lankford Security.

From the press release:
  "Included are budget reductions of $1,043,194 in infrastructure, $982,244 in public safety, $715,762 in culture, recreation and community character, and $227,569 in general government. In addition, 14 full-time equivalent positions would be eliminated under the proposal, with no impact on sworn employees, and another $2,350,201 in organization-wide reductions."

The budget does include some increased spending as well: "$40,519 is proposed for additional resources for code enforcement and inspections, and first-year funding of $70,000 for a newly proposed Office of Accountability."

The proposed budget would also "eliminate funding for the  Greensboro Youth Council Carnival" and "supplemental pay for worker’s compensation, reducing the level the City pays to the state mandated amount" and would "transfer ownership of War Memorial Stadium to NC A&T State University."

The press release does not mention participatory budgeting, which some residents have been encouraging council to adopt and that several council members have said they supported looking into.

Council will hold a public hearing on the budget at its June 4 meeting and will vote on it at its June 18 meeting. The city will post the full budget at by noon on Wednesday. 

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