BREAKING: Greene Street to close rooftop dance floor

Though noise complaints come in from all over the city, the discussion about Greensboro's noise ordinance — which is back on the agenda for the city council's June 18 meeting — always seems to return to two downtown titans: Greene Street night club and developer Roy Carroll. Council has resurrected the noise ordinance debate from last year, but this time it will likely be a lot less controversial for one major reason; Greene Street is closing its rooftop dance floor.

In its place, there will be a rooftop grill akin to downtown businesses like M'Couls and Fisher's, owner Kenny Efird said today. The grill will be open for lunch and at night, Efird said, and they plan to launch it in the fall. It's not official yet — designs are still being drawn — but Greene Street owners are working with an architect and started talking to other downtown grill owners.

"We haven’t pulled the trigger on any plans or submitted it to the city or anything," Efird said. "We’ll change everything. We had to go that direction because we knew it was coming sooner or later."

Everything inside the building — the dance floor, concerts, etc — will stay the same, but the rooftop dance floor will  be closed when construction begins.

"I think that will fit our rooftop better," Efird said, adding that it will allow them to be open on days the venue is currently closed. "I don’t want to irritate people that live around me. This grill plan will work for everyone."

The city is currently taking legal action against Greene Street after it received three citations for violating the existing noise ordinance. Greene Street is counter-claiming against the city over the ordinance and its uneven enforcement, Greene Street's lawyer Norman Klick said. 

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