The award for 'most cryptic press release' goes to...

The Greensboro Police Department's press release (below) created some curious discussion in our office this afternoon. What the heck are they talking about??

We'll post an update when we receive it, until then let the wild speculation about this cryptic press release begin!

Suspicious Activity

GREENSBORO, NC (June 24, 2013) – Greensboro police responded 3501 Farmington Drive reference to a suspicious item. Upon arrival officers located the item and it was disrupted and rendered safe.

The investigation is still ongoing at this time.

Units that responded Greensboro police officers Southern Division, Greensboro Hazardous Device Team, Greensboro Fire, and CID.

UPDATE (4:23 p.m.): It was a pipe bomb. Full press release: 

GREENSBORO, NC (June 24, 2013) – Greensboro police were called to the Stonesthrow Apartments at 3501 Farmington Drive at approximately 11:37 a.m. today when management reported a suspicious device believed to be a pipe bomb was in their possession.

The item was discovered today when staff members were cleaning an apartment that was vacated in May. The staff placed the object in the parking lot, secluded from tenants, and notified the Police Department.

Greensboro police activated its Hazardous Devices Team. Team members confirmed that the item was an active pipe bomb.

Some residents were evacuated while police examined the device and rendered it safe. The item was neutralized at approximately 1:15 p.m.  No one was injured during the incident.

 Police have not yet determined who may have produced or last possessed the device. 
The investigation is on-going.

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