Soccer loss ends in brawl at Bull's Tavern on Fourth Street in Downtown Winston-Salem, NC
Police responded to a call for a fight in progress at Bull’s Tavern on West 4 th Street in Winston-Salem at 11:44 p.m. on Sept. 10. Three Hispanic men reportedly became upset about Mexico’s soccer team losing to the US Men’s National Team, with one of them swinging at bar personnel and another throwing a bottle at an employee. By the time police arrived, staff had pushed the men out on the sidewalk. Uriel Albertotoledo, 26, ran away from the area and returned, cursing and yelling, said Sgt. K. Bowers, head of the downtown bike patrol. One of the officers on the scene used his Taser to subdue Albertoledo and take him into custody, Bowers said, adding that while he was in the patrol car he managed to kick out and shatter the rear car window. The bar declined to prosecute the reported bottle-throwing and attempted assault. Police charged Albertotoledo with disorderly conduct and malicious injury to property.
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