City and County Set for Gridiron Battle

"Employees and elected officials representing the City of Greensboro and Guilford County will meet at 11 am Saturday, September 20 at Jaycee Park, 3802 Jaycee Park Dr., for fun, fellowship, and football. The gridiron meeting will be the first of three sporting events between the two government entities in the battle for the Guilford Cup.

Greensboro City Councilman Jamal Fox and Guilford County Commissioner Ray Trapp developed the idea of bringing representatives from the two organizations together on the athletic field. “This is a way of breaking down the walls and barriers, perceived or real, that exist between the two governments,” says Fox. “It’s also a fun way to network, provides some excitement for employees, and gives residents a chance to cheer on their governmental leaders.”

“Sports have a way of bringing people together and that’s what the Guilford Cup idea is really about, finding some common ground and spending time with one another,” says Trapp. “I believe that the fellowship we have on the playing field will translate into the workplace. A good-natured rivalry may lead to stronger working ties which will benefit our community in numerous ways.”

Teams comprised of employees and Council/Commission members will kick off the Guilford Cup with the flag football game September 20. That event will be followed by a basketball game later in the fall and a softball game in the spring of 2015. A points system is being developed based on winners of the athletic events and volume of donations to the selected nonprofits that will receive charitable contributions in lieu of entry to the events. The government team with the most points will be awarded the Guilford Cup.

Residents and spectators interested in attending September’s football game are asked to bring donations for the Teachers’ Supply Warehouse. A list of items requested by Teachers’ Supply Warehouse and information about the game is online at"

- A Press Release

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