Walker Announces Second Debate

"Congressional candidate Mark Walker has accepted the invitation of Time Warner Cable to host a debate on October 23rd, 2014.  As previously announced, the 6th Congressional District campaigns have agreed to debates in both the Greensboro and Raleigh areas.

“The people of the 6th District have a clear choice this fall and these debates will provide an opportunity for the voters to see contrasting visions of the Country,” said Walker. “I want to rein in federal spending, encourage small business growth, cut taxes, and remove the government out of your healthcare.

“My opponent will vote with Nancy Pelosi and support the President’s failed agenda. Working-class families in the 6th District do not want the higher taxes, healthcare mandates, and increased regulation that my opponent will support.”

Both campaigns have accepted the invitation of Fox 8 and the Greensboro News and Record to participate in a jointly hosted debate on October 29th.  This debate will be televised on WGHP-TV and streamed live on MyFox8.com and News-Record.com.

The Time Warner debate will be the first debate of the General Election. The debate’s format and broadcast schedule have not been finalized.

Mark Walker is a candidate for U.S. Congress in North Carolina’s Sixth District.  He has a background in business and ministry, most recently as a member of the pastoral staff of one of the largest churches in Guilford County.  Mark and his wife of 21 years, Kelly, have three children and live in the Triad."

- A Press Release

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