Frances Griffith named new Education Coordinator at Theatre Art Galleries

"Theatre Art Galleries welcomes Frances Griffith as its new Education Coordinator. Mrs. Griffith is an art therapist with four years of experience facilitating art workshops with all ages in a variety of settings, including schools, community centers, hospice care, and inpatient and outpatient mental health settings. Most recently, Frances spent a year in Tanzania learning about the functional art making practices and cultural perspectives of women and children in the villages of Kondoa.

Frances has diverse education interests, such as the role of art in promoting cross-cultural learning, but she has a particular interest in coordinating community-wide art programs to encourage creativity and cohesion among diverse groups. Frances will bring this passion for community cohesion to TAG in the 2015-2016 school year.

TAG will continue their in-school art education program—ArtSmart—combining art education, history, and appreciation to help elementary school students reframe their identities as artists in the context of the commercial art world. You’ll also see the TAG table at High Point community events and festivals throughout the year as a part of ArtOut, offering engaging and accessible art activities for children and adults. Finally, Frances will be partnering with Millis Regional Health Education Center to offer a new program—Art for Health, using art as a vehicle to increase awareness of healthy lifestyles in the High Point community through educational programming and public art around town.

Frances will also continue conducting summer art camps at Theatre Art Galleries throughout the remainder of the summer. All summer camps are still open for registration and include: Mega Monsters, Portrait Dolls, Wacky Weavings, Miniature Tree Houses, and Drawing Skills. All camps run from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Tuesday through Friday. The cost is $90 for TAG members and $100 for Non-Members. For more information and to register online, please visit

Theatre Art Galleries is located in downtown High Point at 220 E. Commerce Ave. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Friday from 12:00-5:00 p.m. For more information contact the TAG office at 336-887-2137 or visit"

- A Press Release

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