"The Endowment Fund of The Arts Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County is establishing the James H. and Barbara C. Corrigan Fund in memory of Jim Corrigan, an ardent local arts supporter who died earlier this year and left a bequest to the Endowment Fund. Corrigan, a long-time resident of Winston-Salem, was a distinguished businessman, entrepreneur and volunteer for countless organizations. He embraced the creation of the Arts Council Endowment Fund and encouraged others to support it.
Mark Boynton, Endowment Fund Chair, said, “Jim Corrigan understood better than most the need for sustainability in the arts community and how the Endowment can help ensure that our various arts organizations have adequate financial resources in the future.” The Corrigan Fund will benefit The Arts Council.
Corrigan was President of both RJR Archer and RJR Foods, and in 1980 joined Mebane Packaging Company where he became President and Chairman of the Board. He served as Chair of The Arts Council Annual Campaign in 1976-1977, and his service continued. He believed strongly in volunteerism, and in recent years took time to sign hundreds of letters and make personal calls to ensure the continued success of The Arts Council’s annual campaigns.
“When we say The Arts Council is volunteer driven,” said Jim Sparrow, Arts Council President and CEO, “we are thinking about people like Jim Corrigan, who step forward wherever they are in life – whether as a corporate executive to head the annual campaign or a retiree to sign letters and made personal appeals to his friends and neighbors to support the arts. This is a most generous gift and a fitting legacy.”
Corrigan served as president of the Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce and headed fundraising campaigns for the United Way and The Arts Council. He was a founder and director of what is now NewBridge Bank. He also served on the Parish Council and the Finance Commission at St. Leo the Great Catholic Church, was a member of the Stratford Rotary and a devoted Meals on Wheels volunteer. Corrigan was active with Duke University’s Pratt Engineering School, serving as chair and director of its Board of Visitors. He was honored with the School of Engineering's Distinguished Alumnus Award. He also served on the Advisory Board of Duke's Fuqua School of Business
The Arts Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County, the first locally established arts council in the United States, enriches the lives of area residents every day. It raises funds and advocates for the arts, sponsors events in conjunction with other arts organizations, promotes and funds arts education, creates cultural opportunities, develops social capital and aids economic development. In 2013, The Arts Council made Organizational Support Grants to 19 Funded Partners totaling $1,675,000 and other grants brought the total awarded to $1,905,000."
- A Press Release
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