Comic Book artist Erica Henderson will host premiere weekend release party for her Marvel Comics debut, Sat, Jan. 10

"Comic Book artist Erica Henderson will be hosting a premiere weekend release party for her Marvel Comics debut, “Unbeatable Squirrel Girl” # 1, at ACME Comics on Saturday, January 10th

Henderson, a professional comic book artist from Boston, snagged major headlines from such major publications as Entertainment Weekly when the announcement of Unbeatable Squirrel Girl went out in October. The book marks a changing tide within the comics industry to cater to female audiences by producing books about female characters by female creators.

Created by Will Murray and Marvel Comics legend Steve Ditko (the co-creator of Spider-Man), Squirrel Girl (aka Doreen Green) was a mutant born with squirrel-like attributes as well as the ability to control squirrels. While never a major character, the cult fave Squirrel Girl became known by comic book devotees as the woman who single-handedly bested major supervillans like Dr. Doom and Thanos. 

“Unbeatable Squirrel Girl” #1, featuring writing by indie comics scribe Ryan North with art by Henderson and Charlotte-based colorist Rico Renzi, will attempt to revamp the off-beat character, making her relevant to readers both young and old. Boasting Henderson’s signature art style and unique visual characterization, the book is poised to stand out amongst the scores of brawny superhero books that fill most comic shop racks. 

“Marvel has brought together powerful independent voices for one of the most understated and powerful characters in their universe,” says Stephen Mayer, co-general manager of Acme Comics. “It’s captured the attention of both women and men – as well as rodents of all kinds.”

Henderson, who will be joined by fellow collaborator Renzi, will host a signing party for Unbeatable Squirrel Girl at 12 to 2 p.m. at Acme Comics on 2150 Lawndale Drive in Greensboro. Both artists will also take part in a Q&A session as part of a live ACME Comics podcast event at 8:30 p.m. at Geeksboro Coffeehouse Cinema on 2134 Lawndale Drive. Admission for the live podcast event is $5 and includes a free copy of “Unbeatable Squirrel Girl” #1 (a $4 value). 

“Unbeatable Squirrel Girl” #1 is set to debut both nationwide and at Acme Comics on Wednesday, January 7th.
For more information, contact Acme Comics at (336) 574-2263 or email"

- A Press Release