"The Greensboro College Department of Art presents an exhibit of cartoons and other humorous visual art, "You Can't Be Serious: Making Fun for a Living, " Oct. 21-Nov. 14 in the Anne Rudd Galyon and Irene Cullis Galleries on campus.
The opening reception will be 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 21, in the galleries. Regular gallery hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m.-noon Saturdays. Admission is free, and the public is invited.
The presenting artists are Harry Blair, Rich Powell, Rich Lynes, and Jim Langer. Blair and Powell are local cartoonists whose work has appeared nationally. Lynes worked many years for Disney Animation and various merchandizing ventures through Disney, as well as for Warner Bros. cartoons.
Langer, the chairman of Greensboro College's Department of Art, frequently incorporates caricature into his own work.
Greensboro College's Department of Art offers the B.A. or B.S. in Art and the B.A. in Art Education. The program, with individual attention to students, combines classic art principles with the liberal-arts foundations of diverse branches of inquiry, including both science and the humanities, so that students can incorporate as much of the world as possible into their own art-making.
For more information about Greensboro College's art program, contact department chair Langer at 336-272-7102, ext. 5361, or email langerj@greensboro.edu.
Greensboro College provides a liberal-arts education grounded in the traditions of the United Methodist Church and fosters the intellectual, social, and, spiritual development of all students while supporting their individual needs.
Founded in 1838 and located near downtown Greensboro, the college enrolls about 1,000 students from 29 states and territories, the District of Columbia and seven foreign countries in its undergraduate liberal-arts program and four master's degree programs. In addition to rigorous academics and a well-supported Honors program, the school features a 17-sport NCAA Division III athletic program and dozens of service and recreational opportunities."
- A Press Release
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