North Carolina A&Teach Receives $1.19 Million NSF Grant

"The National Science Foundation has awarded a $1.19 million grant to support the North Carolina A&Teach STEM Scholars Program, which aims to produce and support highly qualified K-12 science, technology, engineering and mathematics educators (STEM) who can effectively deliver inquiry-based instruction that is concurrently culturally relevant to students in high-need schools.
Funding will be awarded over a period of five years. Dr. Anthony Graham is the principal investigator (PI), and Drs. Tyrette Carter, Ereka Williams, Sayo Fakayode and Cailisha Petty are the co-PIs.

This collaborative project between North Carolina A&T State University, Guilford County Schools, Guilford Education Alliance and the Elimu Learning Center for Refugee Newcomers will recruit high-achieving undergraduate STEM majors at N.C. A&T and prepare them to concurrently earn baccalaureate degrees in a STEM discipline and an initial teacher certification in the state of North Carolina. The program will subsequently assist STEM Scholars with gaining employment as a secondary STEM teacher in a high need school and will supplement the district’s induction support services, ensuring the employment retention of newly certified STEM Scholars.

North Carolina A&Teach is designed to achieve the following objectives: (1) recruit 25 high-achieving undergraduate STEM students to attain teacher licensure and baccalaureate degrees in a high need STEM discipline; (2) engage STEM Scholars in a preparatory curriculum and professional development that enhance their STEM content knowledge and expertise with inquiry-based learning and culturally relevant pedagogy in STEM courses; and (3) prepare STEM Scholars to positively impact K-12 student learning through early field experiences with diverse students, community-based activities with families and non-profit organizations, clinical practice in high need schools, mentoring relationships with master classroom teachers, apprenticeship experiences with University STEM faculty, and internships in STEM businesses."

- A Press Release

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