Trudy Wade backs out of Sept. 8 candidate forum

While much as been made of at-large candidate Ryan Shell's decision to switch his party registration from Republican to Democrat less than a week before tonight's Democratic Women's candidate forum, which he's attending, I've received an e-mail from Sharon Hightower noting that Republican Trudy Wade has backed out of the nonpartisan Guilford County Unity Effort forum on Sept. 8.

That means Art Boyett will be the sole candidate for the District 5 seat.

I'm a participant in the planning and presentation of the Unity Effort forum. Wade has also told me that she will not have anything to do with YES! Weekly during this campaign. Coincidence? I can only speculate because she isn't in the habit of returning my calls.

CORRECTION: I'm embarrassed to report almost two weeks after making this post that the forum Wade has declined to attend is scheduled for tomorrow night, on Sept. 22, not Sept. 8. Of course, if Wade changes her mind and decides to show up at the last minute, she will be welcomed.


Roch101 said...

"That means Art Boyett will be the sole candidate for the District 5 seat."


Anonymous said...

What's Trudy's deal? Why doesn't she want to have anything to do with YES Weekly?

Tony Wilkins said...

You must be kidding anon.
Aren't you serving on that panel Jordan?
Why would any Republican want to show up or respond whatsoever to YES Weekly?
Consider this comment from Jordan Greene: "he has shown a real concern for the conditions of people of ordinary means, I wonder if it's the case that the candidate concluded that the Democratic Party more closely reflected his political values".
You shouldn't wonder out loud. It made me vomit in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

But what, somehow Democrats and Independents should participate in forums with the fucking Rhino Times? John Hammer is literally insane. And the N&R is a right wing rag too.
What, Trudy can't handle the heat or something? She doesn't want questions that will hold her accountable? Does she forget that a lot of the people she represents aren't republicans? She needs to answer to them instead of spacing out when they address City Council.

Jordan Green said...

Let's lower the invective. The purpose of our discussion should be clear, good-faith honest discussion of the candidates and issues to give voters the fullest range of choices, not gamesmanship that turns people off and makes them cynical about the political process. Isn't that part of the reason we have such abysmal turnout in municipal elections?

Roch: Of course, I meant that Wade's withdrawal from the forum makes Art Boyett the only District 5 candidate who will be present to answer questions. I can see how that could have been presented more celarly in my post.

Anonymous1: Wade indicated with me in a brief phone conversation that she felt I had been unfair and inaccurate in some of my reporting about her. She rebuffed my attempts to get her to elaborate. To my recollection, she has never responded to any interview requests seeking her side in my research for those articles to which she objects. She would have to tell you herself why she doesn't want to cooperate with YES! Weekly.

Tony: You're entitled to your opinion.

Anonymous said...

"She would have to tell you herself why she doesn't want to cooperate with YES! Weekly"

Holy cow. Jordan, your level of hypocrisy is staggering.

Week in and week out, either by using guilt by association or nebulous connections to events that happened 30 years ago, you accuse Trudy Wade and other like-minded individuals on the City Council of being racists.

What you excuse in your attempts at political correctness is pathetic.

You don't even have the guts to use the term "gang" when it applys.

A Jewish person would have a better outcome in front of the Taliban than Trudy Wade would with you on the panel.