Tax cut in store for Greensboro, but how can it afford to maintain existing programs?

At-large Councilman Danny Thompson said he expects that City Manager Rashad Young to propose a half-cent tax cut when he unveils the city of Greensboro's budget tomorrow at 3 p.m. in council chambers at the Melvin Municipal Office Building.

Thompson said the city might wait until fiscal year 2010-2011 to eliminate a summer parks program because with summer around the corner doing so this year "would be kind of draconian." He also said he expects the city to find a way to keep Lake Higgins open, maintain loose-leaf collection and allow art galleries and programs to continue to use the Greensboro Cultural Center without paying rent.

So, how is the city going to continue paying for these programs if next year it will be taking in less revenue from property taxes?

"Come to the meeting tomorrow, and find out," Thompson said.

"I and others ran as fiscal conservatives last year to cut taxes, cut spending and reduce the size and scope of government," Thompson said. "By God, that's what we're going to do."

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