Attorneys for Orfilia Reyes, who was featured on the cover of YES! Weekly's Mothers' Day issue, said Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, did not take her into custody at her immigration check-in June 7. Community members and organizations like the American Friends Service Committee had rallied around Reyes, who has two sons living in the area. One of her sons is a US citizen and a minor, and would face bleak options in the country if his primary caregiver was deported to Guatemala.
Read more about Reyes here. Below is part of the press release sent out June 11.
"ICE provided Ms. Reyes with a new check-in date of September 6, 2012.
'We thank the Charlotte ICE agents for their patience as Ms. Reyes continues to fight her deportation,' McKinney stated. 'However, the fight goes on.' Ms. Reyes cannot prevent her deportation to Guatemala unless attorney for ICE agree to join a motion to reopen her case. McKinney is currently in communication with ICE attorneys and is encouraged by ICE's decision to provide a new ICE check-in date for Ms. Reyes, as well as the tone of the conversations he has had thus far with ICE attorneys."