A&T Student Newspaper Wins Top Awards in College Media Contest

The A&T Register took home five awards from the 2013 N.C. College Media Association and three awards at the 16th annual Black College Communication Association’s Excellence in Journalism Student Newspaper Awards.

N.C. College Media Association
The N.C. College Media Association conference was canceled due to the weather but the contest results were released.

The N.C. CMA awards presented to The A&T Register are:
First Place, Newswriting, “Police brutality in Greensboro” by Laci Ollison
Read the story: http://bit.ly/1gB0yVD

Second Place, Opinion Writing, “Can your name negatively affect your future?”
by Kourtney Pope
Read the story: http://bit.ly/1hsxFOg

Honorable Mention, Single or Two-Page Design, Karmen Robinson and Taylor Wilson

Honorable Mention, Photography, Keith Jones for Alzheimer’s Walk (Oct. 16, 2013)
See the art: http://bit.ly/1cmd3mz
Honorable Mention, Sports Writing, Kalyn Hoyle for “Track program ready for lift off”
Read the story: http://bit.ly/1m6bPyC

BCCA Awards
The contest results were announced on Feb. 8 2014 during the annual National HBCU Student News Media Conference held at Prairie View A&M University in Prairie View, Texas. The contest results reflect the 2013 spring, summer and fall semesters.

The BCCA awards presented to The A&T Register are:
Second Place: Best News Coverage, “Citizens Walk for Alzheimer’s” by Kimberly Fields
Read the story: http://bit.ly/1cmd3mz

Second Place: Best Student Newspaper [Non-Regular Production]
Third Place: Best Design - Broadsheet or Tabloid