Erskin Tillery of Greensboro won first place in the SkillsUSA
Telecommunications Cabling contest.
He won a bronze medal in the same category at the national
contest (pictured here) last year.
From left to right Heather Mathis and Jazmine Wilkerson
won third place in the SkillsUSA Fantasy Hair and Makeup contest.
By Carla Kucinski
Guilford Technical Community College shined last week at the SkillsUSA North
Carolina State Conference in Greensboro, where 19 GTCC students placed first in
the competition. Seventeen of those students are eligible to compete in the 50th
annual SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference (NLSC) June 23-27 in
Kansas City, Mo.
This year, 69 GTCC students
competed in 26 contest areas including automotive, aviation, CNC milling and
CNC turning, criminal justice, cosmetology, dental assisting, carpentry and
collision repair. Of the 69 who competed, 43 placed in the top five in their
respective contests. The competition was held April 9-11 at the Greensboro
Coliseum, Joseph S. Koury Convention Center as well as GTCC’s Jamestown and
Greensboro campuses.
GTCC students Kyle Gibbons
of High Point and Jason Herrera of Jamestown won second place in the
Mechatronics contest. This is the first time GTCC students have competed in
this category. Mechatronics uses a combination of mechanical and electrical
engineering, electronics, information technology and intelligent systems in the
design of products and computer integrated automation systems.
“Students like Kyle and
Jason are the cornerstone of the mechatronics program. I’m very proud of them
and our faculty who helped prepare them,” said Adrian Wright, SkillsUSA advisor
and department chair of mechatronics at GTCC. “The preparation for the contest
happens inside and outside of the classroom. In the classroom they learn theory
and get hands-on experience; outside the classroom they meet two to three times
a week reinforcing and testing theory against their own designs. Competing in
SkillsUSA definitely increased their confidence level. They are tested under
pressure and are forced to work together as a team. Our local industry is
looking for these types of students.”
GTCC student Erskin Tillery
of Greensboro returned to the competition this year, winning first place in
Telecommunications Cabling. Tillery won a bronze medal in Telecommunication
Cabling at the national contest last year.
SkillsUSA is a national
nonprofit organization serving teachers and high school and college students
who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations.
Through its local, state and national competitions, students demonstrate
occupational and leadership skills.
The following GTCC students
placed fifth or higher in this year’s SkillsUSA North Carolina State Conference:
Carly Bell of Greensboro,
Advertising Design, first
Jua Yang of Greensboro, Advertising
Design, second
Trevor Dixon of High Point,
Advertising Design, fourth
Sharif Diaz of High Point, Auto Refinishing Technology (Collision Repair
Painting), first
Gabrielle Baker of Whitsett, Auto
Refinishing Technology (Collision Repair Painting), third
Cody Wright of Ridgeway, Va.,
Aviation Maintenance Technology, first
Thomas Therrien of Greensboro,
Carpentry, third
Eric Voss of Trinity, Carpentry,
Tricia Sutter of Greensboro,
Carpentry, fifth
Kent Jerrett of Greensboro, CNC
Milling, first
Justin Hyder of High Point, CNC Milling, second
David Coble of Whitsett, Collision Repair Technology, first
Brandon Miller of Greensboro,
Collision Repair Technology, second
Jeffrey Godbolt of Greensboro,
Collision Repair Technology, fifth
Kaylyn Emerson of Winston-Salem,
Commercial Baking, first
Brittney Shanks of Winston-Salem,
Cosmetology I, first
Megan Simmons of High Point,
Cosmetology I, second
Sara Apple of Greensboro, Crime Scene Investigation, first (team event)
Dee Locklear of Greensboro, Crime
Scene Investigation, first (team event)
Zachary Luckett of Summerfield,
Crime Scene Investigation, first (team event)
Garrett Brand of Greensboro, Crime
Scene Investigation, second (team event)
Amber Echerd of Trinity, Crime Scene Investigation, second
(team event)
Stacy Garner of Kernersville, Crime
Scene Investigation, second (team event)
Tanya Malinovsky of Walkertown, Criminal Justice, first
Adnan Bahadur of High Point,
Criminal Justice, second
John Martin of Greensboro, Criminal
Justice, third
Phillip Thompson of Pfafftown, Culinary Arts, first
Jessica Clifton of Eden, Dental
Assisting, first
Heather Mathis of Greensboro,
Fantasy Hair and Makeup, third
Jazmine Wilkerson of Greensboro
(model), Fantasy Hair and Makeup, third
Amanda Heaston of High Point, Health
Occupations Professional Portfolio (Dental Assisting), first
Amy Canady of Greensboro, Job Skill
Demonstration A (Dental Assisting), second
Kyle Gibbons of High Point,
Mechatronics, second (team event)
Jason Herrera of Jamestown, Mechatronics, second (team event)
Iva Hicks of Greensboro, Men's
Haircutting, first
Renise Roseborough of Winston-Salem,
Nail Care, first
Erika Powell-Bullard of
Winston-Salem (model), Nail Care, first
Randy Perdue of Greensboro, Precision Machining Technology,
Jeremy Gilbert of Pleasant Garden,
Precision Machining Technology, fourth
Sarah Mayer of Jamestown, Restaurant Service, first
Erskin Tillery of Greensboro, Telecommunications Cabling, first
Galen Wilson of Greensboro, Welding, second
Ryan Fitzgerald of Kernersville,
Welding, third
Guilford Technical Community College is the third
largest of 58 institutions in the NC Community College System. GTCC serves more
than 40,000 students annually from four major campuses and three specialized
centers. Learn more at