The Olio, Winston-Salem’s First Hot Glass Studio, Is Taking Shape At West End Mill Works.

7 tons of custom made equipment to be
delivered the week of April 14, 2014

"Winston-Salem’s first hot glass studio, The Olio, is scheduled to open this summer and the day that founder, Rebeccah Rush, has been dreaming about since she was 19 has finally arrived. During the week of April 14, 2014, The Olio’s hot glass equipment will be delivered and installed by Wet Dog Glass of Star, NC; the installation and inspection process is expected to take about two weeks. A 400 lb furnace, two glory holes, a pipe warmer and two annealers are just the beginning for this modest shop with big plans.

Rebeccah’s father, an art dealer, started teaching her the business of fine art sales and gallery curating at the age of 11. “I was always in the art, business world and loved it but never knew how it would play a role in my adult life until I found glassblowing.  When I saw glassblowing for the first time I was hooked,” said Ms. Rush. Rebeccah earned her BFA in glass and craft from the University of Illinois at Urbana and has studied at Pilchuck Glass School and Corning School of Glass. She has also worked with several artists from around the country and helped to open two glassblowing studios. Her time teaching and developing glass education programs at the Chicago Hot Glass Studio and The Little Black Pearl Art & Design Center made her realize how much she wanted to share the art of glass making with young people.

After moving to Winston-Salem, NC in 2006 and raising two small children, Ms. Rush is finally fulfilling her dream of opening a glass studio that will educate local youth about hot glass, the business of selling art and sustainability. The Olio, meaning hodge-podge or a miscellany, will be just that – a diverse mix of life lessons taught through apprenticeships and the creation of glass art. “The Olio will focus on sustainability and recycling through art. The art will be made of melted glass bottles and other repurposed materials.” says Tim Gupton, Sr., an Olio board of trustees member.

The Olio plans to start making glass in early May and will have a grand opening celebration June 20-21, 2104. The Olio is located at 840 Mill Works Street, #150 Winston-Salem, NC 27101, which is part of an eclectic mixed-use redevelopment at the site of the historic Hoots Roller Mill Co. near Winston-Salem's West End neighborhood. Visitors are welcomed to stop by the studio to see its progress and learn more about the organization. The Olio, a 501(c)(3) organization, is seeking sponsors and donations. For more details, visit the website at

About The Olio
The Olio is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to fostering appreciation, inspiring learning, and enhancing enjoyment in the community and for the arts. An educational Glassblowing Studio focused on Entrepreneurship, The Olio will empower youth and artists with valuable business and life skills; incorporating teamwork and communication, chemistry, math and physics, and various other hands-on training that will benefit their future."

A Press Release