Keep Winston-Salem Beautiful Begins Blitz Against Cigarette Litter

"Keep Winston-Salem Beautiful is reviving its award-winning “Every Butt Hurts” cigarette litter prevention program during August with billboards, television and radio spots and a social media campaign aimed at drivers who toss cigarette butts out of their vehicles. The campaign is being financed by a $35,000 grant from Reynolds American Inc.
        Other aspects of the campaign include distribution of drink coasters promoting the website, placement of additional cigarette butt receptacles at select sites throughout the city where smokers congregate, and giveaways of free cup holder ashtrays for drivers who smoke as well as portable ashtrays.
        Billboards are advertising the campaign on five major collector streets in Winston-Salem. Additionally, Fairway Outdoor Advertising is donating space on two digital billboards, one along U.S. 52 and the other along Business Interstate 40.
        A 30-second radio spot related to the billboards will run on four radio stations in the Triad and their streaming website feeds, and the television campaign will rerun the “Waltz of the Flying Butts” public service announcement on TimeWarner Cable and WXII.
        The social media campaign will include web ads targeted to users who have identified themselves as smokers. The web ads will be linked to, where users can request a free cup holder ashtray or pocket ashtray.
        At least 35 large cigarette butt receptacles will be placed at busy city bus stops and other places. At locations where receptacles have already been placed, cigarette butt litter has been reduced by as much as 75 percent.
        The Every Butt Hurts campaign has received three Distinguished Service citations from Keep America Beautiful since it was rolled out in 2011.

        For more information about Keep Winston-Salem Beautiful and opportunities to be a volunteer or sponsor, go to"
- A Press Release

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