Greensboro Police Department Offers Training for Bicycle Ride-Along Program

"The Greensboro Police Department is offering another opportunity residents to bike alongside bicycle officers as they patrol the city’s neighborhoods and downtown area.

To participate in the bicycle ride-along program, residents must attend a bicycle ride-along training session on Saturday, Oct. 10. Training begins at 8 am at the Lewis Recreation Center at 3110 Forest Lawn Drive. It includes a chaperoned bicycle ride, and should conclude no later than 4 pm. People interested in the program may apply through the “Community Programs” section of Applications must be received by October 1.

 “This training is not just for bike enthusiasts,” said Officer C.S. Schneider. “It’s for people who want to learn more about police work and how police officers on bikes can connect with community members.”

In the training, participants learn the key elements of cycling safety, along with how this mode of transportation is used in police work. Class size is limited to 20 people.

Participants must be 18 years of age or older, in good health, and pass a background check. Riders are encouraged to bring their own helmets and bicycles. Bicycles and helmets for those who need them will be provided. Attendees should wear comfortable clothes and bring a small lunch or snack.

 This is the third bicycle ride-along training offered by GPD. The first session was in July 2014. The ride-along program supports Chief Wayne Scott’s strategy of better connecting with all of Greensboro’s residents."

- A Press Release

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