Orchestra Director Recognized for Educational Excellence

Walter named Western Region Orchestra
Director of the Year by NCMEA

"Greensboro, N.C. – Orchestra is growing in popularity at Northwest Middle, and it’s no secret that director Donald Walter has a lot to do with that.

Walter was recognized by two different groups for excellence. The North Carolina Music Educators Association (NCMEA) recently named Walter the 2015 Western Region Orchestra Director of the Year, and he was also named the 2015 Arts Educator of the Year by ArtsGreensboro.

Walter has served as the Director of Orchestras and Bands at Northwest Middle since 2007, increasing enrollment in the instrumental music ensembles to more than 360 students, and doubled enrollment in the orchestra program to more than 150 students.

“Donny’s encouragement and expertise are the reasons I feel he earned these awards,” says Sandra Rathbone, orchestra director at Northern High. “Donny’s groups consistently make ‘Superior’ ratings in the Western Region North Carolina Orchestra Music Performance Adjudication competition.”

Walter is quick to say the orchestra’s success is a team effort, thanking co-teacher Allison Phillips who joined the school in 2012.

NCMEA honored Walter during its convention earlier this month."

- A Press Release

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