As promised, I've produced six potential redistricting scenarios for the Guilford County Commission.
Based on analysis indicating that the Greensboro City Council could move one precinct and reduce the population variance for its district map, I received brief notoriety. Later, when the infamous Rakestraw plan was approved — before being rescinded — my plan helped establish that massive disruption and realignment was unnecessary, leading to questions about the motives behind moving a large number of precincts around. It seemed only natural, then, to try my hand at redrawing the county district map.
In comparison, redistricting at the county level is not simple. Compared to the city council map, whose population variance was within the 10 percent threshold, the population map for the county commission map is 28 percent. Also, there are nine districts in the county, compared to five in the city. The constituencies represented by the county commission include two cities, along with rural and urban areas. As with my Greensboro redistricting map, here I'm not advocating any particular plan. And, in contrast to redistricting at the city level, here almost every plan has qualities to recommend it and drawbacks.
Evaluate. Trumpet the plans you like. Slam the ones you don't. If you want to draw your own maps, I'll be glad to share my expertise.