High Point Public Library Partners with Hoopla Digital to Give Patrons Online and Mobile Access to Free Movies, Music, eBooks and More

Library card-holders can instantly explore, borrow and enjoy dynamic content on their smartphones, tablets and computers

"The High Point Public Library today announced public availability of thousands of movies, television shows, music albums, eBooks, audiobooks and Comics, all available for mobile and online access through a new partnership with hoopla digital (hoopladigital.com).

High Point Public Library card holders can download the free hoopla digital mobile app on their Android or IOS device or visit hoopladigital.com to begin enjoying thousands of titles – from major Hollywood studios, record companies and publishers – available to borrow 24/7, for instant streaming or temporary downloading to their smartphones, tablets and computers.

“We strive to be an integral resource for our community,” Julie Raynor said at High Point Public Library. “This is done through strategic partnerships like our new relationship with hoopla digital, which enables our community members to instantly stream thousands of new titles to their devices and computers. The easy-to-use interface and elimination of late fees enables us to satisfy all of our customer’s needs in a modern way.”

“With hoopla digital, it is our mission to empower the evolution of public libraries while helping them to meet the needs of the mobile generation. We’ve worked for years to create a best-in-breed service that is fun, fast and reliable.  And we continue to secure content deals to expand our offering of popular and niche movies, TV shows, music, eBooks, audiobooks and Comics,” said Jeff Jankowski founder and owner of hoopla digital.

About hoopla digital
hoopla digital is a category-creating service that partners with public libraries across North America to provide online and mobile access to thousands of Movies, TV Shows, Music, eBooks, Audiobooks and Comics. With hoopla digital, patrons can borrow, instantly stream and download free dynamic content with a valid library card. All content is accessible via hoopla digital’s mobile app and online at www.hoopladigital.com. hoopla digital is a service of Midwest Tape – a trusted partner to public libraries for over 25 years.

For questions or information about how you can get started with this exciting service, contact Readers’ Services at (336) 883-3638 or Julie Raynor at julie.raynor@highpointnc.gov.

For more information about hoopla or Midwest Tape, please contact 800-875-2785."

- A Press Release

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