FBI looking into alleged civil rights violation in Guilford County Jail

The FBI has requested case files from the Guilford County Sheriff's Office referencing an internal investigation of an assault that took place in the Guilford County Jail in February, the sheriff's office reports. The inmate who was assaulted is named Robert Christopher Parks. The sheriff's office said the results of the investigation were shared with the district attorney's office, which declined to prosecute.

Sheriff BJ Barnes has made this formal statement:

As always, we are more than happy to assist in any investigation. I have confidence that the FBI's inquiry into what they described as a civil rights issue, will, just as the district attorney's review show the sheriff's office took the appropriate actions. We wanted to get out ahead of any rumors or false information that may be presented to the public or the press.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Much "cudos" to Sheriff Barnes and his eloquently stated preventive/paranoid"go ahead and look" position. The FBI to the best of my knowledge per an agent at the local field offices are in place in the triad/Greensboro area predominantly to investigate these depts. constant federal law and civil rights violations as well as thier many criminal/corrupt activities. I personally had the misfortune of having one of sheriff Barnes deputies assisted by an unwitting deputy flasely arrest me and steal my wallet in 2004 C.T. Sluder spent approximately two years in same basic set of lines of denial before the charges were finally dropped and he was repremanded(not severely enuf) for his violations of my civil rights and being an accomplice to felony larceny in an effort to receive sexual favors from my son's mother for his assistance. I have since been violated by spy devices accessible to the sheriff's dept and thier questionable associates to use multi million dollar equipment to stalk harass and slander me by using said persons and illegally used tactics/devices to spread rumors in an effort to defame my character and that of my family with statements like "Sheriff say Jeffrey Roberts has voices in his head"

To the best of my knowledge the Internal Affairs and D.A.'s offices are anything but objective in the investigations of thier personel. I have been reporting civil rights violations and various state and federal crimes on the Sheriffs Dept. and anyone associated with thier ongoing criminal acts and civil rights violations since 2004 though they have been present for as long as the Dept. has been.
Lets hope this investigation by The FBI will be without bias and excuses for abuses as is allowed in these counties and municipalities.