Democracy at Home urges caution on Greensboro redistricting

Official statement on proposed redistricting plan by Democracy at Home:

Redistricting possibly will not only result in population changes, but also in noticeable shifts in power and influence. As an organization, Democracy at Home is concerned about any perceived or actual attempts to dilute or quiet the voices of any particular demographic. It is especially troubling that minority precincts may be disproportionately affected by the proposed district changes.

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As a non-partisan, non-profit organization, Democracy at Home encourages people to register to vote, to learn the issues that affect them, to vote responsibly, and to live knowing their voices can be heard. As a result, Democracy at Home is cautious when expressing any support or disapproval of a particular legislative or policy item. However, the leadership of Democracy at Home feels that the issue of redistricting warrants this issue statement, particularly because of the potential for deleterious effects on minority communities in Greensboro.

Therefore, we respectfully ask the City Council and members of the Greensboro community to carefully examine the ramifications of these proposed changes. Democracy at Home does not support any official actions that alter existing districts until the public and elected officials have both acquired a comprehensive understanding of how this will affect our community.

Previously: 1, 2.

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