Greensboro city council election roundup

Following DJ Hardy’s announcement on Friday that he will be running for Greensboro City Council in District 1, it seems like a good time to review who’s declared plans to run or expressed interest in doing so.

Hardy ran at large two years ago, but did not obtain enough votes to clear the primary. Dianne Bellamy-Small, the incumbent in District 1, has not announced whether she will run again.

Not to be underestimated, she typically waits until filing time to announce her intentions, and she has fended off well regarded challengers in the past three elections. Luther Falls Jr., who faced off against Bellamy-Small in the 2005 and 2009 general elections, had not made up his mind about running again at last check.

In other races, at-large Councilman Robbie Perkins and former council member Tom Phillips will challenge Bill Knight for mayor. Former Greensboro police Capt. Charles Cherry has also indicated an interest in the seat, but as a county resident he would have to move to be eligible to run.

Perkins’ run for mayor and Mayor Pro Tem Nancy Vaughan’s announced retirement create two vacancies in the at-large seats. At-large Councilman Danny Thompson plans to run again. Former Mayor Yvonne Johnson has expressed interest in running at large, along with former candidate Marikay Abuzuaiter. Others announced at large candidates include Wayne Abraham, Cyndy Hayworth, Chris Lawyer and Tony Wilkins.