Guilford County commissioner unhappy with her party over redistricting plan

ORIGINAL POST: Guilford County Commissioner Linda Shaw, a Republican, expressed displeasure about a redistricting plan created by her party. She confronted Jon Firebaugh, the vice chair of the Guilford County Republican Party, about changes to her district. She also complained that Firebaugh did not share earlier plans with her until she asked for them.

Guilford County commissioner confronts GOP county VC, part 1 from Jordan Green on Vimeo.

Untitled from Jordan Green2 on Vimeo.

Untitled from Jordan Green2 on Vimeo.

Untitled from Jordan Green on Vimeo.

UPDATE: Firebaugh acknowledges he misspoke when he said that Shaw only represents one Summerfield precinct.

"She was right," he says. "I was wrong."

Firebaugh says he had another map in mind when he made the statement. In fact, District 3, which Shaw represents, includes all four Summerfield precincts and two Oak Ridge precincts. Her complaint about the map drawn by her party is that it draws her out of a significant portion of her current district.

Firebaugh says he apologized to Shaw on Joe Guarino's blog, and plans to do so directly, too.

(Production note: I'm attempting to process additional video from yesterday's exchange, and plan to post it in sequence. The slow progress is frustrating.)

UPDATE 2: The final fourth video (third in the sequence) is posted.


Triadwatch said...

jordan can i embed this in a post on my blog with links to this, with some commentary?

Jordan Green said...

Of course. The technology of Vimeo allows you to re-post. I don't have any say over that. Thanks for asking though.

Please also comment on this site.

I'm still uploading three other segments, and hope to have the full complement posted soon.

Sam said...

:45 of the second video is priceless.

Classic Linda Shaw denying that she said something that there is recorded documentation of and then accusing her opponent of lying after they point it out.

Welcome to the club, Jon.