PHOTO: Car flips in accident by Adams Farm

Witnesses said a car came driving towards them on the wrong side of the road going about 40 mph before clipping one car and crashing into another (pictured right in the photo) before flipping upside down.

The accident happened near the train tracks crossing on Mackay Road near  the Adams Farm community in Greensboro today around 2:30 p.m. The driver of the flipped car was removed on a stretcher with a brace around his neck, but none of the passengers in the other cars seemed to sustain serious injuries.

In the photo, a firefighter talked to a boy who was a passenger in the car that was struck more severely (at right in the photo) but a witness said the airbags deployed and the boy and the woman driving him seemed to be alright. The witness said he swerved to avoid being hit by the man driving the upside down car.

We will post more information as we get it. Eric Ginsburg was on the scene by coincidence, because the accident occurred around the corner from the YES! Weekly office.